Online Therapy
Also known as
"Telemental Health," "Telehealth," "telemedicine," "telecare, "E-counseling" or "e-psychotherapy"
Recovery Zone Counseling offers online psychotherapy services to clients residing in the state of Michigan in accordance with the standards set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and state licensing boards. Video-call applications through Simple Practice and Psychology Today designed specifically for healthcare use are implemented and easy to use. They're similar to Zoom or FaceTime, but their full-encryption and HIPAA-compliance keep your privacy preserved and sessions confidential.
Step 1: Check Your Connection
A strong internet connection is the most important factor in having a clear and uninterrupted online therapy session.
Run an internet speed test to make sure your internet bandwidth is at least 1.5Mbps/1.5Mbps.
Reset your modem by unplugging the power cord, waiting one minute, then reconnecting to power.
Turn off any other devices that are connected to the internet (phones, tablets, etc.), or temporarily disable their network connection. Ask that others who share your internet connection log-off while you are in session.
Close all other online windows on your computer, and discontinue any downloads that may be in progress.
Choose a location for the session that is close to your internet modem and router.
Step 2: Choose a Private Location
Set up your computer or tablet in a private location where you will not be overheard or interrupted.
Step 3: Adjust the Lighting
Lighting should be aimed toward the front of you. Avoid sitting with a window or other source of bright light behind you.
Step 4: Connect Bluetooth Earbuds or a Microphone Headset
This improves overall sound quality and prevents a distracting “echo” caused when one person can hear themself on the other’s computer speaker.
Step 5: Position Your Camera
Make sure your camera is eye-level and your face is fully visible on the screen.
Step 6: Move the Video Image for Eye Contact
Once your therapy session has started, position your therapist’s live video image at the top and center of your computer screen, right below the camera. This will enable you to make eye contact during the session.